Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pete and Re-Pete

Life is never boring at my Zoo.

Today, I pulled up to the house around 3:45.  As I was parking the car, a dog crossed the street in front of me.  And it was my Bantley.  He had slipped his collar or wiggled out of it.  Either way, he wasn't wearing it.

I got out of the car and called him, and he just looked at me.  He came a little closer, but then he bolted.  And that isn't like Bantley at all.  Heathen #2 went into the house to find his collar for me.  He immediately came back outside and told me, "Mom, that isn't Bantley.  Bantley's inside!"

Bantley is on the right.

This is the stray.

Can you believe how much they look alike?  We coaxed the stray inside finally around 5 pm.  None of us recognized him from the neighborhood.  So we now have a house guest until tomorrow afternoon when I can run him up to the SPCA.

Right now, the three of them are having a ball playing together.  Poor Duchess won't be able to move tomorrow.  She's getting a little old for this.  But at least Bantley has someone to keep up with him!

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