Sunday, September 15, 2013

Heathen #1's Eagle Scout Project Begins!

NEW milestone at the Zoo!  Heathen #1 has officially begun his Eagle Scout project!  Although he has had approval for a few months, he decided to wait until fall to begin.  He has decided to clear four trails at Living Waters Camp & Conference Center, located in Schellsburg, PA.  All three of our Heathens attend church camp here, and so did I and my siblings, and my father and his siblings as children.  Needless to say, I am thrilled with his choice of project!  He will also be building trail signs and mapping the trails as well.

The seriousness and dedication he has shown to this point is heartwarming - and occasionally earns a chuckle from me.  Having set himself a goal at the age of 6, the completion is almost in sight for him - and he is NOT taking any chances.

He packed up the tools needed and planned a work weekend!  He and his friends from the Troop cleared several miles of trails, working much faster than anticipated.

Now, he needs to design and build signs for all the trails, install the signs, map the trails on foot, and create a map!

Nothing to it (just 10 years of dedication to a goal).  Well done, Heathen.