Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mustaches and Mice

Yesterday, Heathen #2 had to present an oral report on a famous person of his choice.  It was very open-ended.  Pick a person, dress like them, and talk for no more than 5 minutes.  Not too bad - unless you are in fourth grade and have never done this before.

Years ago, Heathen #1 did this same project and chose Abraham Lincoln.  He based his choice solely on the idea that he wanted to build stilts and be really tall when he did his report.  Bless the Asst. Zookeeper's heart, the boys build stilts.  I have pictures somewhere, but I can't locate them at the moment.  Heathen #1 was VERY tall that day - he did a great job and had a lot of fun doing it.

Heathen #2 decided that he wanted to do Abraham Darby - who did something with smelting coke.  I tried suggesting all kinds of other people that I thought would suit him better, but he made his choice.  Then the night before his project is due, he walks over to me and says, "Mrs. Kresak said we could change our person.  I'm going to do Walt Disney instead."

Such a better choice for him!  He did his entire project in an evening (which we educators frown heavily upon) and had everything ready to go for school the next morning.  Here's the costume:

Heathen #2 as a younger Walt Disney.

During his report!
While I was ecstatic over his score (27/28), he was bummed!  He lost a point because he didn't look at his audience enough.  I told him that takes practice.  And he had the hardest part - he was the first presentation for the entire class.

I loved Walt Disney before yesterday.  I was very proud of MY Walt Disney and I love him even more than the real one.  Well done, Heathen!

Birthday Frogs

My birthday was just a few days ago.  Despite my mother's best efforts, I have yet to start dreading it because I am getting "old."  That just isn't me.  Besides, how can I dread my birthday after the awesome events of this year!

Due to Facebook, I had approximately 70 people wish me "Happy Birthday" that I would never have managed to see all in one day.  The Asst. Zookeeper texted me "Happy Birthday cradle robber" before 6 am that morning - bless that man and his early work schedule!

I got a birthday card with wiggly eyes on it from my sister and a call from my brother in Texas.  My mother-in-law made me a card.  Friends invited us to a hockey game for that evening.  I got half a dozen electronic cards to go with the ones that had arrived in the mailbox.

While I am incredibly blessed.  And while that was incredibly great - my Heathens all take the award for the best birthday presents:

Heathen #2 was out of bed before me and hovering over my bed by 6:30 with his present in hand:

This is the wrapping and the enclosed note.

The origami frogs!

One frog was even "tattooed" with Happy BDay!
Heathen #2 used two playing cards to make me origami frogs - and they hop REALLY well.  I'm not even sure where he got the playing cards (but the deck is now missing a few cards!).  And the wrapping wouldn't have been from Heathen #2 if it didn't include Duct Tape.

While I was sitting on the bed playing with my new toys, I heard Heathen #3 wake up.  Heathen #2 rushed to his room and I could hear the "juicy whisper" that it part of younger children.  "Go tell Mommy Happy Birthday!"

The "juicy whisper" was followed by a heartbroken wail of misery:  "I didn't get her anything!  What am I going to do?"

So Heathen #3 and I had a long chat that morning.  He decided he could make me a card at school in his free-time.  That calmed him down as he told me all about this card he was going to make me.  It would even have a piece that would pop-up when you opened it! 

When Heathen #1 finally grumbled his way down the stairs, Heathen #2 repeated his "juicy whisper" to inform him of my birthday.  Heathen #1 opened his eyes a little further, shuffled across the kitchen to me, put his head on my shoulder....

And at this point, everyone is thinking: Oh, the teenager still loves his mommy and he's going to give her a hug and wish her happy birthday.

And everyone would be wrong.

After he put his head on my shoulder (which means he had to stoop down), he looked at me and said, "Do I HAVE to go to school today?"