Monday, December 28, 2009

Total Time: 3.5 Hours

3.5 Hours - That is all the longer it took for Heathen #2 to snap off the bracket of his braces.

At 3:30, we walked out of the dentist's office. Heathen #2 was the proud new owner of two brackets on his two front teeth. He even got to pick the color of the bands on them - he chose blue.

At 7, he came around the corner of my bedroom with one of the brackets and the wire that was between them in the palm of his hand. When questioned, he stated he was "chewing." Upon further interrogation, it turns out that he was using his front teeth to attempt in breaking apart LifeSavers.

I already made the call to the dentist. I'm actually glad they were already closed and I could just leave a message. I should get a prize for this one. :)