Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Last Two Weeks...

This Fourth of July found us celebrating with family and friends.  All totaled, there were 12 children and many more adults.  Celebrating the 4th with young children is the BEST way to go.  You should have seen these four children screeching and dancing when something was set off!

The Asst. Zookeeper took over cleanup after Round One was over.  The family event always includes road cleanup!

Once it was dark, the children lined up their chairs and watched the show!

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The first week of July also found the Miller Heathens attending Cub Scout Day Camp.  It is three days of fun (and exhaustion!).  This was the first year that Heathen #3 was old enough to attend as a scout.  He was SO tired the first day that he fell asleep in the car before we pulled out of the lot!

Heathen #2 at crafts.
Heathen #3 in the BB barn.

Heathen #1 joined us as staff.

Friday night at the end of camp, the Webelos Scouts and Boy Scouts were invited to stay overnight.  They conducted a flag retirement ceremony and the boys were all able to participate.  They also had cinnamon rolls made in a dutch oven (curtesy of the Asst. Zookeeper) and they made their own breakfast the next morning!
Heathen #2 placing his
portion of the flag on the fire.

And today was an important day at the Miller Zoo!  The youngest Heathen celebrated his 6th birthday!  Although he's still not old enough to ride his bicycle past the stop sign, he thinks its cool that he had to use 2 hands to show his age.  Happy Birthday, Squeaker!
Heathen #3 in SIX-YEARS-OLD!!!