Sunday, May 26, 2013

Geraniums (NOT!) & A Post Office

This past weekend, the Asst. Zookeeper and I put Heathen #3 in the car and headed out to see what we could find.  Our first stop was at the annual Geranium Festival in Connellsville, PA.  Heathen #3 and I had big plans.  We were going to buy lots of geraniums and make a garden for Grandma at the Zoo - because she hates geraniums.  We practiced our evil chuckles on our hour drive to the festival and talked about all the geraniums we were going to see.

We arrived in Connellsville to find out that the Geranium Festival DID NOT HAVE ANY GERANIUMS.  It consisted of two blocks worth of craft and food booths.  But no geraniums.  When we asked about the flowers, we were told they were all sold as soon as the festival opened that morning.  We immediately made plans to arrive at the festival earlier next year and talked about making sure we arrived at their fall Mum Festival early as well!

We decided to take the long way home.  On our way, we passed a post office that REQUIRED we stop and go back for a photo!

The Asst. Zookeeper and Heathen #3

If the Zoo ever decides to relocate, we just may have to relocate to Normalville, PA - just for the address!
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