Wednesday, April 23, 2008

They Are Just KIDS

This week is the spring performance for the Johnstown Concert Ballet - of which, Heathen #2 is a member. There are two stage rehearsals and one dress rehearsal this week. The first stage rehearsal was last evening - and all I can say is... wow.

This is not a "Wow!" of excitement or of being impressed. This is more of a "wow" said in a half whisper of amazement of how nuts some people can be.

I completely understand that some of the adults in the organization put an enormous effort into these productions and I have the greatest respect for them. Anyone who can organize more than 100 girls into doing ANYTHING deserves great respect.

But last night, I think a few of those people lost sight of the fact that most of those girls are children. Some of them are only 3 or 4 years old. And they were yelling about the fact that the girls were being loud.

Heathen #2's age group was dismissed for the evening in disgust. Some of the girls forgot part of the dance. Instead of taking into consideration that the girls are only 6 or 7 years old, they were berated and told that the director "didn't have time for them" and that if they had missed class on Saturday than they shouldn't even be allowed in the show!

I chose this organization for Heathen #2 because they actually do two shows a year. They do Nutcracker every winter, and then an original piece in the spring. They teach classical ballet - and the girls who leave for college regularly go into dance programs. I didn't want him taking lessons and having recitals in a church basement, so I chose what I thought would be the best. But now I'm having the same doubts that I had in the fall when we had stage rehearsals for Nutcracker.

Heathen #2 was not upset in the least by the tone of voice or words used with his group last night. Maybe I'm just being overly sensitive for no reason. And I know that I have high expectations for my own kids. If I had a quarter for every time the Asst. Zookeeper reminded me that one of the Heathens is "only 10" or "only 6" or "he's only 2" - I'd have ALOT of quarters.

It will all come together for the two shows on Saturday - it did with Nutcracker. And Heathen #2 is so excited about his roles in Hansel & Gretel.

If it didn't bother Heathen #2, then I shouldn't let it bother me. The Heathens teach me something new all the time.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

That's the day that BIL#1 gets a new kidney from BIL#3. They leave for Pittsburgh tomorrow and will be in Pittsburgh for several weeks. Hurray!

So, now I'm on "Kid Duty" and could inherit children at any time (day or night) depending on how the cards play out. Good thing I didn't do any cleaning this weekend! They are going to wreck the place!