Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Refrigerator Art

It's nothing new for some one's child to say they are the "meanest mom in the world!" I remember flinging that at my own mother - and her simply shrugging it off with a small smile. I always thought that comment should have seriously wounded her, and yet it didn't.

Fast forward to current day - any current day at the Zoo - and the comment has changed slightly. It is now, "You are the meanest mom EVER!" And while it does sting (don't you dare tell my Heathens that!), I have a ready reply.

"It's Grammy B's fault. She taught me to be a mean mom."

Grammy B happens to be my mother. :) And she has heard me say this, and she smiles and then tells the Heathens that I'm right! Bless her. Being a mother never really ends.

Last week, Heathen #2 was upset with me. I can't even remember what he was upset about (he gets upset over just about anything). He went downstairs for about 10 minutes, and then came to find me in the kitchen. With a very dour look on his face, he presented me with this drawing:

It doesn't scan very well - sorry for the quality. But I'm sure you can still see enough! I wish the "I" in "Evil" was visible (Heathen #2 actually spells very well!).

This situation could go one of two ways:

Option #1 - yell at the Heathen for being mean to me. OR

Option #2 - compliment his drawing skills! Not only am I depicted with a witch hat (complete with SYMBOLS), but I also have the tell-tale wart (with HAIR) on my nose and the required wrinkle on my cheek!

I'm pretty sure you can guess the option I chose. He did draw me with a necklace (the Heathen knows my love of jewelry!) and he signed the top corner with "Love, Gavin."

This photo has been hanging on the refrigerator for all to see as they enter our Zoo. Heathen #2 is now taking pride in his drawing and he knows I love it. He still gets upset with me, and I don't think that will ever change. But I have definitely "one-upped" my mother!

Grammy B never got such great art work from her children to verify she was the meanest ever. I actually have PROOF!