Sunday, June 9, 2013

Color Me Rad - PITTSBURGH!

Found the race closer to home!  The Zoo used it as the event to welcome in the Summer of 2013.  The Heathens and I spent several hours at the local stores putting together outfits for the race and finding white shirts that would fit everyone!

We hit major traffic before we even reached the exit for the race.  The younger two Heathens entertained themselves by waving to passing cares and motioning for tractor trailers to honk their horns. 
Once we arrived on site, we collected our items and headed for the start line!

None of us stayed clean for long!
Heathen #1
Usually the one with the camera,
they got a photo of ME!

Heathen #1

Heathen #2 ran the race in a HUGE
Superman cape.  He had a blast!

Another rare photo - the Asst.
Zookeeper and I together!

Heathen #1

After the race, the Heathens were all starving (not surprising!) - so we stopped at a McDonald's on the way home.  Did I mention we didn't clean up, we didn't change clothes, and the Asst. Zookeeper and I were still wearing the headbands?  We were quite popular at the restaurant!

The entire Zoo!

My favorite three Heathens!
The Zoo has already registered to run another Color Me Rad in Morgantown, WV in September.  We weren't even home from this one when they were begging to do it again.  Such a SHAME our Zoo never has any fun together!