Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Momma's Day

Another Mother's Day has come and gone. And with it, the Heathens and I made another whirlwind tour of the mothers in our lives.

First thing in the morning, Heathen #2 presented me with a handful of items that he had made for me. Some were from school, some from Youth Club, and others he had made on his own. He had hidden them in the one basket that I keep gloves and hats in - and he had expressly told me not to peek (and I didn't). He was so proud of himself that he was practically floating.

The day started out with going to Sunday School and then church with the Heathens. Sunday School was a little wild as it was the last class of the year. Needless to say, the boys in my class were a little wild. But we survived.

During church, I was the nursery attendant and the Asst. Zookeeper was to meet us there to sit in church with Heathen #2. When he didn't arrive on time, I assumed he had fallen back to sleep. And that would have been understandable since he had worked Friday night and been up all day on Saturday. But he arrived after about 20 minutes - with a cup of coffee for me, God bless his heart!

After hurrying home to change, we headed to the IN LAWS house for lunch. Every year on Mother's Day, the men in my husband's family cook lunch for all of the mothers. Usually we have steak - but this year we had a choice of steak or chicken. Hurray! I'm not much for steak.

The boys presented their grandmother and great-grandmother with their cards and the sun catchers they had painted for them. It was a nice afternoon.

Afterwards, we headed to the other hill to do some shopping and errands. The Asst. Zookeeper's cell phone was finally on its last legs, and he finally decided to trade it in. He could have traded it in at the end of February. We also stopped at Dunham's and the boys let me pick out a hammock for my present. It's red with white flowers - I can't wait to take it camping this summer!

Next we drove out to Seward to see my parents. And the boys presented her with her card and sun catchers. After staying and chatting for a bit, we headed back to the zoo so that we had a bit of downtime before the Asst. Zookeeper had to leave for work.

Once he left at 6pm, the Heathens and I were back on the road, this time to my grandmother's apartment in Richland. She got her sun catchers - we had mailed her card previously. We invited her to dinner with us, but she had already eaten. I wasn't thinking very far ahead by this point in the day.

After that, it was on to my other grandmother's house in Windber. Again, we had a presentation of sun catchers (thank goodness for craft kits!). We only stayed there for a short amount of time. It was already going on 8pm by that point and I still hadn't fed the Heathens their dinner.

On the way home, we stopped at Valley Dairy for dinner. And the boys really were good, in retrospect. That evening though, I was convinced that they were deliberately being loud. But as I was paying, the manager commented on how good my boys had been. It was the perfect end to Mother's Day.

I didn't get any expensive presents or showers of cards (like I'd know what to do with either of those). I didn't necessarily do what I wanted - which I'm not sure what that would have been any way. But it was still a great "Momma's Day" for me. I got to spend the day with my Heathens. The Asst. Zookeeper really touched me with his cup of coffee in the morning. And I got to see all the mothers in my life - both the ones from my life and the ones that shaped the Asst. Zookeeper. It doesn't get much better than that.