Wednesday, May 5, 2010

24-Hour Cheese

Yesterday evening, after Heathen #1's soccer game, I headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things that we needed for the Zoo to make it through the week. I took the youngest Heathen along for the trip.

Heathen #3 sat in the seat on the cart and had control of "THE LIST" and was in charge of crossing things out as they were placed in the cart. This is actually harder for a four-year-old to do then you would think - especially when the list is written in cursive.

When we arrived at the deli, the lady behind the counter offered him a slice of cheese, which he happily accepted. As we wheeled away from the counter, he informed me that he couldn't eat his cheese at the moment because he was busy crossing things off "THE LIST."

I tucked the cheese (wrapped in one of those little pieces of waxed paper) into the side of my purse so that it wouldn't get lost or smushed.

fast forward 24 hours....

This evening, we stopped at Sheetz to put gas in the Zoomobile. I decided that I wanted to run into the store and grab a cup of coffee. I opened my purse. And I immediately stopped, stared, and hung my head.

I then pulled out the wrapped up cheese and handed it to the Asst. Zookeeper, asking him to throw it in the garbage.

The look on his face was perfect. And I didn't even have to explain anything more than, "I was at the grocery store yesterday with one of our children." He just nodded, and put it in the garbage.

** In honor of all the other women in the world who carry cheese slices around in their purses for 24 hours WITHOUT noticing: Happy Mother's Day!