Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Toe Bite" Turns TWO!

For the past two years, one of my FAVORITE parts of Christmas is celebrating my youngest nephew's birthday.  Heathen #3 says that he is very lucky because he shares a birthday with Jesus.  And I'm very lucky in that my brother and his wife are tolerant of me and my love of children's birthdays - they let me get the cake and decorations and everything!

Currently, my Ozark's favorite book is a Dr. Seuss - and he even has a favorite page.  When I visited last month, Ozark kept wanting a "toe bite" and would then laugh hysterically if you pinched his toes and yelled "toe bite!"  What could possibly be a better idea for a cake?

I'm lucky in that I have a friend that makes cakes!  Not only are the cakes YUMMY, but she is also fantastic at decorating them!  I emailed my brother and asked for a scan of the page.  I sent her the email with the picture scan - and she created this!
Ozark didn't really understand the singing.
And he didn't understand blowing out the candles either!
He stared at the candles for several minutes until
Michelle helped him blow them out.
Ozark definitely understood EATING the cake!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Ozark!
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