Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mom Broke My Nose!

This past August, I purchased a pair of black cowboy boots for Heathen #3 at the thrift store for part of a pirate costume.  He fell in love with them and wore them practically every day since, regardless of the weather.  They were starting to look pretty rough and he had slipped on the ice while wearing them several times.  But they were his favorite shoes.  The only day he would wear some other footwear was for church, or on school days when he had gym class.

At the beginning of February, as we were getting ready for school, he dragged out this beat up old boots (again).  I told him that he should probably wear snow boots because it was icy outside.  I was informed that he WAS wearing boots and they were his FAVORITE boots and it was NOT a gym day.  He was polite, but he was firm.  He wanted to wear the boots.

Fine - I didn't feel like arguing with a 5-yr-old at 8 in the morning.

It was then time to head out to the bus stop.  Heathen #3 couldn't find his coat.  We tracked it down in the laundry room.  Then he couldn't find his hat.  We tracked it down in his bedroom.  Then he couldn't find his gloves.  At which point, I'd had ENOUGH!  I told him to put his hands in his pockets because we were going to miss the bus.  And we headed out the door with him mad at me (cause I was mean!).

We were only at the bus stop about 30 seconds, when Heathen #3 slipped on the ice in his favorite boots.  Normally, not a problem.  However, his hands were in his pockets.  So he couldn't catch himself as he fell.

So he caught himself with his face on the asphalt.

I picked him up off the ground and turned him around so that I could see him.  He was covered in snow from head to toe and he was crying.  I brushed the snow off of him in time to see the bridge of his nose start of puff up.

And at this point, the bus pulled up.

I put Heathen #2 onto the bus, and then put Heathen #3 into the car for a trip to the ER.  I was not sending him to school so that the school nurse could call me to tell me to come get him.

When we walked into the ER, the triage nurse asked Heathen #3 what happened.  He told the lady that he fell, because, "My MOTHER made me put my hands in my pockets.  She wouldn't let me wear my gloves."

Definitely one of my proudest moments as a mother.

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