Thursday, February 7, 2008

Soggy Envelopes

Since Heathen #2 is in kindergarten this year, every holiday has been a new experience for him as he learned how holidays affect school. For example, he got to take a present to school for Christmas to exchange with his classmates.

Well, Valentine's Day is just around the corner - and WalMart has had valentine's since December 26th. I obtained the boys' valentines early so that I didn't forget.

When Heathen #1 was in kindergarten, the whole Valentine's Day initiation was miserably painful. He HATED to write his name for any reason. I spent every evening for a week arguing with him, until he has signed his name to all 13 cards. It was such a lovely experience.

Heathen #2 couldn't be more different. He's been asking when he got to write his cards out for the past two weeks. And I finally gave in last night and set him down with his cards, the envelopes, and a pen - and Heathen #2 went to town.

Not only did he sign all 15 cards in LESS than 30 minutes, he also decorated all 15 envelopes with hand drawn hearts. Definitely has a flare for decorating! Up to this point, it was all good.

The trouble is that Heathen #2 was over-enthusiastic in licking the envelopes. By the time he was finished, there was a pile of soggy envelopes that were wrinkled and wouldn't stay shut. I found myself wondering if the amount of glue he'd ingested could possibly be dangerous.

Look out Mrs. Oswalt - I'm sending soggy envelopes your way! Hopefully they've dried a bit by next Thursday.

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