Monday, December 12, 2011

"Rescue Stupid" Boots

Every morning, the Dogs eagerly wait at the back door so that they can go out and stare at the Huge Rabbits that moo at them.  It has become a morning ritual at our house.  Wake the Heathens.  Put a Dog outside.  Listen to the barking and mooing commence.  All Creatures seem happy with the arrangement.

While Duchess is smart and never gets tangled, Bantley can NOT say the same.  It is only 8:00 and for the third time this morning, I looked outside and found this:

Doesn't he look pitiful?
For some reason, if he is outside for more than a minute, he manages to tie himself around this handrail.  This "figure 8" isn't the worst he's done.  Last night, he literally managed to tie himself to part of the railing.  How he did it, I have no idea.

The best part isn't that he continually does this.  It isn't even the pitiful look on his face when you discover him.  Or even the excitement when he realizes you are coming to rescue him.

The best part is that he thinks you are trying to kill him while you try to unwind him, so he struggles the entire time to tangle himself up farther!

Considering I plan to die in this house, and Bantley is only about 4 years old, I have many more mornings of this to look forward to.  In preparation, this morning I placed an old pair of boots at my back door that I can just step into.  I've dubbed them my "Rescue Stupid" boots.

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