Sunday, March 28, 2010

Not Quite a Teenager

Today, Heathen #1 turns 12. Ugh. The first thing he asked me this morning was if I thought he was any taller than he was yesterday. And I, of course, said yes!

The boy stands at about 5'1" and weighs just shy of 100 lbs. And I remember when he was little enough to pick up and sway back and forth with - and wanted me too! If I tried to pick him up now, I'd probably end up in the emergency room.

Yes, time flies. Yes, it is hard to believe that he is that old. No, it doesn't make me feel old!

He's turning into a son that Dan and I are proud of. I wouldn't trade him for the world. However, I might rent him out once in a while...

His birthday party was yesterday. What a group! 15 boys (ages 10 - 14) met at the gym we rented for a Nerf battle. We used tables to set up bunkers and sniper's nests and places to hide, etc. And if I can get my camera to cooperate, I'll share the photos. For two hours, there were Nerf darts flying everywhere, and they all had a fantastic time. It was a little daunting when they started to arrive with DUFFLE BAGS of Nerf guns and ammo. It was like the SWAT team was landing and preparing for a hostage situation!

This evening, we took the three Heathens to Fuji Steakhouse for dinner. The Heathens had never been there before and were amazed by the flames and the onion volcano. Heathen #2 was the only one to catch the broccoli in his mouth despite the other two's valiant attempts.

I wonder what the next year will hold...

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