Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day!!!!!!

I was thrilled this morning when I saw the word "closed" under our school district. I immediately called the office, informed them that I was using a comp day, and crawled back under the covers. It's even better because it's Friday.

The boys all emerged from their rooms at their own pace. I'm not even sure when it happened. I finally left my blankets at 11:30 with my hair standing up in all directions. But I felt calm and as though I could keep up with things for the first time in quite a while. It's amazing what sleep can accomplish.

My Heathens are all over the house in various states of dress - or undress. Heathen #1 is wearing the same jeans as yesterday. I'm pretty safe in guessing that he slept in them. Heathen #2 is wearing underwear and blue soccer socks pulled up to his knees. And Heathen #3 is in a diaper and pajama pants. But they are content.

They were so excited that it was a snow day and that we were just going to stay home. I think they needed a day off as badly as I do. They watched TV, eaten snacks, played dress-up, danced, and built new beds for themselves out of blankets and Rubbermaid totes.

The zoo is trashed - and I am not exaggerating. There is "stuff" everywhere - in every room, on every piece of furniture, on every floor. It's been the usually hectic week here and the clutter has taken over again. So far, I've managed to load and start the dishwasher. I'm hoping to completely reclaim my house by Sunday night. But today's a snow day. I wonder where I left the novel I've been attempting to read...

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