Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Snowboarding & M&Ms

Last week, the Assistant Zookeeper took the older two Heathens snowboarding at Blue Knob. Heathen #1 got a snowboard for Christmas two years ago, and Heathen #2 got one this past Christmas. And, of course, the Assistant Zookeeper needed to have a snowboard so that the Heathens could go. Ironic, isn't it?

Anyway, the boys all went Friday evening. Since I was home with the remaining Heathen, Dan took video of the boys so that I could see. Here is Tristan - slowly and cautiously, but able to do some "moves."

Gavin simply takes off and falls down - but he always jumps back up and keeps going.

And here's one video of the two of them together. Gavin is off and running without waiting for Tristan. He falls and gets back up again before Tristan even catches up!

Heathen #3 remained home with me and was quite entertained by M&Ms. He didn't realize that I was recording him and our conversation until after I started. Then all he wanted to do was watch himself on the little screen on the camera. But here he is with his M&Ms:

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