Friday, March 25, 2016

Things I've Said That Make Me Pause

Every parent does it, whether they admit to it or not.  Whether said in anger, confusion, worry, excitement - we say things that make us pause and ask ourselves, "Did I just say that?"

These sayings change over the years.  When the Heathens were younger, I remember saying the following:

WHY is there a stuffed dinosaur in the refrigerator?
WHY would you color your stomach with a blue permanent marker?

As the Heathens aged, what I said changed:

WHY would you hit your brother with a broom?
WHY is there a jar of lightening bugs in the refrigerator?

In the past week, I've racked up some new ones.  Things I NEVER thought I would say:

No pooping on the sidewalk! (Yelled at the top of my lungs and directed at one of our dogs during a snowstorm.

No goats running a-muck in the basement! (Instructions to a Heathen to close the pen when one of our goats kidded too early and we brought her in the house.)

Don't look at me in that tone of voice! (Pick a Heathen - I've said it too all of them in the past week.  At ages 17, 13, and 10 - all three have that "tone" to their face when they are angry with me.)

WHY is there an empty plastic bowl in the freezer?

WHY does everyone have SHOES in my bathroom?  This is NOT YOUR BATHROOM!

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