Saturday, November 10, 2012

Color Me Rad - AUSTIN!

I originally saw this 5K online several months ago and thought it would be such a great time!  The trouble was that this particular race never comes to the Zoo's hometown.  I decided to look over the list of cities and see how close it came - it was definitely something I wanted to do.

I actually squealed when I saw Austin, TX listed with an upcoming date!  Not only could I do this particular 5K, but I could also get my brother to do it as well, AND I could see my Ozark!

Rhys agreed to the race without any delay - and I bought my airplane tickets as soon as I could.  We had the BEST TIME!

Me and my Ozark!

Any race that hands out tattoos is a GOOD race!

Almost to the finish line!

He was just behind me on the way to the
finish line!

Five color stations and a finish line later,
here we are!
I can't wait to do this 5K with my Heathens!  They will have the best time.  They were so jealous once they saw the pictures.  Looks like I have to find a new race day and location closer to the Zoo!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Living Room Graffiti

Before the paint cans were opened.
The Asst. Zookeeper have finally HAD IT with all the white walls at the Zoo's new location!  We can't take it anymore - so we headed to the store for paint and supplies.

It had been awhile since we had painted - the Heathens were all too young to really help the last time.  This time, we had MORE than enough help!
Who doesn't want "MAN CAVE" on their
living room wall?

The Heathens ran out of space on the wall
where Heathen #3 could reach on his own.

 The Heathens "helped" for much longer than I thought they would!  The walls have all been repainted at this point.  However, if you know where to look and you look carefully, the graffiti is still readable!
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