Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Joy of Volunteering

For those that know me (whether they know me slightly or know me well) are currently wondering if this post's title is sarcastic or sincere - as it would well be either.

I'm one of those souls that has the world "YES!" stamped on my forehead in invisible ink that only those requiring help in some method or another can see - usually from quite a distance (I think the ink flashes sometimes!).  If someone asks me to help, I simply can NOT help myself.  I say yes.

I have been a classroom parent, a visiting reader, a committee member (I've lost track of the number of committees), a board member, a treasurer, a fundraiser, an organizer, a chaperon, a team parent, a party planner - you name it, I've probably done it (or considered it before the Asst. Zookeeper put his foot down and told me NO MORE!)

Recently, just this past Saturday, my longest running affiliation with a volunteer organization came to an end.  I've been counting down to this day for MONTHS.  I felt the need to build a paper chain to count down the meetings remaining until "Freedom Day!"  After approximately 12 years, I was ready to be finished.

Saturday was INCREDIBLY STRESSFUL for me - I was handing over responsibilities.  Did I have everything prepped so that the new person was prepared to the best of my abilities?  Was there any more I could have done to make the transition any smoother?  Did I find the best replacement for my jobs?

During the banquet, I was recognized (much to my horror - I'd much rather fade into the wallpaper).  But all these young scouts knew who it was that organized the trips, and the camps, and the fundraisers, etc.  I wish I could have hugged them all - watching their hands shoot into the air because the knew the answer and wanted to be called on to give it was SO HEARTWARMING for me.

Those little hands straining with knowledge of who had loved them, was why that ink stamp exists on my forehead.  It was never for the parents (many of which I could have smacked at one time or another).  It was never for the recognition.  It was never for the "power" of being in charge.  It was for those scouts - they deserved the best program we were capable of providing.  And, I believe, I helped provide that program for the past many years.

At the banquet, I handed everything over - and I went home full of worries and doubts.  Not doubts in the people replacing me.  I'm easily replaceable.  All it takes is a warm body and some dedication.  It was more a worry for the future of the group.  I hope those taking over love the program and the scouts the way I have.

In addition to the scouts themselves, I have met some of the most AMAZING adults along the journey.  People who share my values and dedication to children.  Some friendships are built over the course of years as people slowly get to know one another.  Other friendships are built in the matter of a second, as one person recognizes a dedicated volunteer in the other - my best friend was found this way.

So, to the Cub Scouts - THANK YOU for the program you have given my Heathens over the past 12 years.  They have learned skills and abilities that are unique to the program and that will serve them well in life.  THANK YOU to the other volunteers for every time you offered to help me when I seemed overwhelmed - whether I accepted the offer of help or not, the OFFER matter much more than you can imagine.  THANK YOU to the scouts - you accepted that I was allowed to participate and have fun WITH you.  For every story you told me, every project you shared with me, every achievement you showed me - THANK YOU.

As for the boys currently in the Pack, you will always be "mine" - just like the scouts that have bridged out ahead of you.  I still find delight in hearing about college plans, good grades, adventures, etc.  I know you all by name and will be keeping an eye out for you in the years to come.

While I say it with a sniffle, I am ready to BE PREPARED for the next chapter in my volunteering life.  Although, I will never forget where it started.  Cub Scout Pack 217 - thank you.

Monday, February 15, 2016

8 At ONCE!

At the beginning of November, Kohl's was holding a great sale with a rebate on small appliances.  And I saw an electric griddle - something the Asst. Zookeeper has talked about for years, but we could never find one exactly like he wanted (his specifications were exact).  This griddle was everything that he wanted.  So I bought it with the intention of saving it for Christmas.

I gave it to him long before Thanksgiving and didn't give him anything at Christmas.

He was so happy to be able to make 8 grilled cheese sandwiches at once that he could hardly contain himself.  I was summoned to the kitchen to witness the "awesomeness" of 8 grilled cheeses happening at one time!

All I could think of was the Brave Little Tailor with Mickey Mouse when he's so excited about killing flies, but everyone things he's talking about giants:

King: Did you kill seven [giants] with one blow?
Mickey: Uh, yes, your honor, and how!
King: ...well, how?
Mickey: I was all alone, I heard them coming, I looked up, and I was surrounded!
King: Yes?
Mickey: They were here, there, everywhere! A whole bunch of them! They came at me from the right, the left, right, left, left, right!
King: Yes, yes, go on!
Mickey: They were coming closer! The fight was on! I swung and missed! I missed and swung! I swung again and again and again! They were right on top of me!
King: And then?
Mickey: And then, I let 'em have it!
Mickey Mouse

Last weekend, he made French toast and I heard him talking to himself in the kitchen, "Look at THAT!"  And I knew that he was again using his griddle.

So if anyone hears my Asst. Zookeeper talking about "8 at once," please know that he was not out slaying giants.  He was making dinner - for which, I am ever grateful.