Friday, September 4, 2015

The Last "First" Day

Senior Year for Heathen #1 - need I say more?  He started a count down to graduation at his 17th birthday in MARCH.  He's not excited in the least.

So my Heathen #1 is a senior.  And if one more person asks me if I am upset that he is a senior and will be leaving soon, I may just HIT them!

What does it mean that my oldest Heathen is a senior?
1.  I survived the years of sleeplessness that goes with having a young child in the house where you wake up at every little creak and lie awake waiting to see if you are needed.
2.  I learned to change diapers until he mastered potty training. It was a fierce battle, but I finally proved to be more stubborn then him.
3.  I survived his elementary school years  - where a stubborn, outspoken little boy doesn't always fit in very well.
4.  I watched him attempt to make friends and succeed.  I watched him attempt to make friends and fail.
5.  I've watched him learn that failure is not the end of the process - that it is always worth another try.
6.  I struggled watching him through the middle school years which are painful for even the luckiest of children.
7.  I watched him discover who he is, and accept that who he is, is a pretty cool guy.
8.  I've watched him grow by inches and learned to look up to him - both literally and figuratively.  Although still a teenager, he has strong common sense.
9.  I've watched his independence grow and learned that my opinion is not always welcome, of even needed.  I've also learned that when he asks my opinion, it is because he still seeks guidance.

And the most important:
10.  I've learned that being sad that my Heathen is a senior would be contradictory to everything I've attempted to teach him over the years he has been part of my life.

He doesn't belong to ME.  He belongs to himself.  He should face new adventures with enthusiasm - and everything can be considered an adventure, even a trip to the grocery store.  He has to be able to make decisions that HE can live with and that will allow him to sleep soundly at the end of the day. Doing something on your own is respectable, but ask for help when you need it.

So, NO - I refuse to be sad that my oldest Heathen is a senior.  He has a great future ahead of him and I am excited to see what paths he chooses along the way.  On the first day of kindergarten, I told him that school was a grand adventure and he was finally old enough to start that adventure.  His adventure is not ending, it is still only just beginning...

Heathen #1 - first day of school: SENIOR
August 26, 2015
Not only did a get a hug and kiss goodbye, he smiled for
the first day photos.  It has been several years since that happened!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Dreaded Years of MIDDLE SCHOOL

This school year involves such big milestones for our Zoo.  Two eras are ending and a third era is beginning.  My mind, while usually the quality of Swiss cheese, is struggling to keep up.

For the first time in 12 years, I do NOT have a Heathen in the elementary building.  And it is such a relief!

Don't get me wrong, my Heathens were happy there and made enormous leaps and bounds in their educations.  I believe that their teachers were all behind the "big desk" not because it meant they were in charge but because they felt a call to teach - a vocation of meaning.  I cherished the cards made with little hands dipped in paint, and asking them to tell me about their drawings because I couldn't tell WHAT it was they had scrawled on the paper.  I loved eating lunch with them and watching them interact with their friends.  Halloween parades, holiday parties, Valentine cards - I loved it all.

But that "book" of my life (I can't label 12 years as a "chapter.") if finished.  The youngest Heathen has boarded the bus for MIDDLE SCHOOL.

Despite years of watching his older brothers turn into little monsters that rolled their eyes and made huffing noises when disgusted.... Despite giving hugs and promising me (without promoting!) multiple times, and quite sincerely, that HE would NEVER behave like that....  Approximately 24 hours before the first day of school, IT HAPPENED.

Heathen #3 huffed at me in disgust and ROLLED HIS EYES at me.  It was like his body just KNEW that he was going to be an official 'middle schooler" and had to make sure that he was possible of making both the noise and eye movement that are guaranteed to make me want to shake a Heathen!

The world can relax; the Heathen can officially make the noise well and the eye roll was practically professional in quality.

I watched parents at the 5th grade orientation with their children - and you could tell which parents were there with their oldest child.  Internally, I was laughing at them as they practiced walking their child from room to room without allowing the child to even look at their own schedule.  I giggled inside as I watched parents talk to the teachers instead of letting their child introduce themselves.

But I choose not to be a helicopter parent and I've been on the Middle School Merry-Go-Round for seven years already - this will be year number eight.  Once the youngest Heathen and I arrived for the orientation, I handed him the schedule and said, "Get going - find your classrooms, introduce yourself to your teachers, and ask if there are any special supplies that you will need.  I'll follow you."  The only trouble we had was the fact that I no longer have the ability to dart through a hallway of children nearly as quickly as the youngest Heathen.

All was well - despite a small case of nerves the night before the big day.  By the end of day one, Heathen #3 was a confident middle schooler and knew where he needed to go.  But Lord, save that child's life if he rolls his eyes at me again anytime soon.

Heathen #3 - first day of school: 5th Grade
August 26, 2015
While the youngest Heathen is just entering the Middle School, the middle Heathen is entering his final year at the same building - MUCH to his delight.  In Heathen #2's case, Middle School has been the stereotypical awful experience.  He has finally learned that his life is MUCH safer if he doesn't roll his eyes at me and he has ALMOST learned that the huffing noise will send the Asst. Zookeeper off the deep end - although the noise does slip out from time to time.  This Heathen is still working on learning who HE is, not who someone else is.  And he is learning that who HE is, is who he is supposed to be.  So, in his last year at the Middle School, I hope he continues to grow as a person.  I hope he finally comes to terms with the grade on the paper doesn't correlate to the type of person you are or will become.  I want him to continue to be HIM - as he is the only Heathen #2 that I have.

Heathen #2 - first day of school: 8th Grade
August 26, 2015
 So I sent my "middle school bookends" to school together for the first time in years.  And I found it a bit awe inspiring to look from one to the other and think, "This was what you looked like and is similar to who YOU were four years ago!  And this is how much YOU are going to change in the next four years!"  It was exciting - I had the ability to see both into the past and into the future at the same time.
My middle school bookends: 5th and 8th Grade!
Batten down the hatches Middle School - you get
TWO Heathens this year!
 I didn't forget about Heathen #1 - but this year, he has earned a post of his own.  So I'll just slide in a photo of all three.  What an amazing year it is going to be!