Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day!!!!!!

I was thrilled this morning when I saw the word "closed" under our school district. I immediately called the office, informed them that I was using a comp day, and crawled back under the covers. It's even better because it's Friday.

The boys all emerged from their rooms at their own pace. I'm not even sure when it happened. I finally left my blankets at 11:30 with my hair standing up in all directions. But I felt calm and as though I could keep up with things for the first time in quite a while. It's amazing what sleep can accomplish.

My Heathens are all over the house in various states of dress - or undress. Heathen #1 is wearing the same jeans as yesterday. I'm pretty safe in guessing that he slept in them. Heathen #2 is wearing underwear and blue soccer socks pulled up to his knees. And Heathen #3 is in a diaper and pajama pants. But they are content.

They were so excited that it was a snow day and that we were just going to stay home. I think they needed a day off as badly as I do. They watched TV, eaten snacks, played dress-up, danced, and built new beds for themselves out of blankets and Rubbermaid totes.

The zoo is trashed - and I am not exaggerating. There is "stuff" everywhere - in every room, on every piece of furniture, on every floor. It's been the usually hectic week here and the clutter has taken over again. So far, I've managed to load and start the dishwasher. I'm hoping to completely reclaim my house by Sunday night. But today's a snow day. I wonder where I left the novel I've been attempting to read...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Snowboarding & M&Ms

Last week, the Assistant Zookeeper took the older two Heathens snowboarding at Blue Knob. Heathen #1 got a snowboard for Christmas two years ago, and Heathen #2 got one this past Christmas. And, of course, the Assistant Zookeeper needed to have a snowboard so that the Heathens could go. Ironic, isn't it?

Anyway, the boys all went Friday evening. Since I was home with the remaining Heathen, Dan took video of the boys so that I could see. Here is Tristan - slowly and cautiously, but able to do some "moves."

Gavin simply takes off and falls down - but he always jumps back up and keeps going.

And here's one video of the two of them together. Gavin is off and running without waiting for Tristan. He falls and gets back up again before Tristan even catches up!

Heathen #3 remained home with me and was quite entertained by M&Ms. He didn't realize that I was recording him and our conversation until after I started. Then all he wanted to do was watch himself on the little screen on the camera. But here he is with his M&Ms:

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Holidays on the Home Front

This was a busy week at the Zoo. Not only was it Valentine's Day, but it was also my birthday this week. I'm not 29 - according to the Assistant Zookeeper, the most popular birthday among women ever! :) But Valentine's Day comes first, so I'll start there.

I managed to have a clean red shirt for myself and all the Heathens for Thursday, which was V-Day. Considering the amount of backed up laundry currently, this was no small task. While I was in the shower, a vase of white roses appeared around the shower curtain. Not known for being a "sensitive" guy, the Assistant Zookeeper definitely won points that morning. He'd also brought home a teddy bear for Heathen #1 to give to his main squeeze, Laken.

Over the course of the day, I managed to pick up cards and chocolate for all my Heathens, nieces, nephew, godson, and godson's brother. And one for the Assistant Zookeeper. We picked up all the boys and we headed to Ponderosa for dinner as the older two Heathens had coupons from school. It was definitely a good day.

This morning, my birthday, I got up the Heathens for church and Sunday School. After church, we came home and the Heathens played for an hour while I curled up in bed beside Assistant Zookeeper. He asked where I would like to go for lunch - and I felt like Taco Bell. :) Then we had some time to kill before attending a birthday party, and we went to Value City. I got myself a new pair of shoes and a fantastic new purse - it's ORANGE! After the party, we came back home. The kids played nicely this evening. And they went to bed without any trouble. It was heaven.

Now, as for my age - I can't say that I'm bothered. I'm not old. And I still don't have a single gray hair. I figure I'm doing pretty good - 3 sons, an assistant zookeeper, and no hair dye yet!