Friday, December 2, 2011

Properly Named Aristocracy

The Zoo adopted Duchess about four years ago.  We found a great Dog for our Zoo that day at the SPCA.

The Asst. Zookeeper had commented for years that one day he wanted to own a mutt, that had one blue eye and one brown eye, and he wanted to name this dog Duke.

I found that Dog at the SPCA one afternoon.  But there was one glitch - she had to be a Duchess and not a Duke.  But otherwise, she fit the Asst. Zookeeper's qualifications perfectly.

The day we named her, we didn't know how perfectly her name would fit.  This Dog is a human stuck in a dog's body.  She thinks she is a person.  Her feelings get hurt when she doesn't get to participate in things we do.  On the rare occasion that she doesn't behave, she mopes around for hours with a pathetic look on her face.  She always has a very regal attitude - as though she simply tolerates the rest of us.

Last night, I was changing the curtains in the living room.  We bought the new Zoo from an 80+ woman (who is actually MY grandmother's childhood friend!).  Needless to say, the Zoo is currently decked out in ruffled curtains - and that SO does NOT work for me.

I took the curtains down and dropped them on the floor while putting up MY curtains.  Turning around, this is what I found:

When I asked her to move so that I could get rid of the curtains, she just looked at me and didn't move.  This is where she slept last night.

While she was lounging in her curtains this morning, Bantley was sliding across the floor on his pile.  He'd get a running start on the far side of the room and jump on them so that he slid across the floor.  Then he would stick his nose in them and toss them in the air. 

Duchess just lounged and watched him.  He's SUCH a commoner.  Sniff!

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