Thursday, April 5, 2012

Heathen in the News!

Last Saturday morning, the oldest Heathen fell victim to my "You should DO this!" mentality.  I'll admit, I have a problem.  I am a sucker for event flyers.  If it is on a flyer and handed to me, I feel compelled to go.  Here's what happens in my brain:

"Wow - they actually made a flyer.  It must be important!  We're absolutely MUST go!"

This is how my Zoo has ended up at bizarre places and doing bizarre things.  Probably the best to date would have been BatFest in the fall of 2010.  My Heathens and friends still make comments about white-nose syndrome and the Heathens want to buy bat houses for the new house!

So Saturday morning started out with a flyer advertising a "badge in a day" program.  Anyone who is involved with the scouts KNOWS that completing a badge in a day is difficult.  Once the boys move into a troop, the badges can be very involved and require very specific materials or equipment. 

I checked Heathen #1's schedule and he was AVAILABLE - so I informed him he was going.  He said okay - but I never told him what time it started in the morning.  Oops.

Since I was already driving Heathen #1 to this, I decided to round up some other Scouts from the Troop to take as well.  We ended up with a group of 8 - all in my Suburban.  It was at this point that I started to question my wisdom.

The boys did finish their badges all in one day.  And were all wound up like puppies when I picked them up in the afternoon since they had been indoors and sitting all day.  It was an interesting ride home, to say the least!

This photo appeared in the Johnstown Tribune-Democrat the following day:

The following day at church, I was swamped with "church ladies" telling me that "your oldest, Tristan" was in the newspaper "in his uniform" and that did I want them to save me a copy of their newspaper.

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