Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Newest Zoo Arrivals

All Zoos have a constant influx of animals.  Some arrive with planning on everyone's part.  Others arrive when the Zookeeper says, "Awwww! I want them!"

Thus, the arrival of Sorchia and Tucker, a set of litter mates.  Tucker (cream-colored) is male.  Sorchia (black & white) is female.  Both just over a pound when they arrived at the Zoo, they are ALMOST four pounds together at this point.  Although, from they way they eat, they should weigh a lot more.

They have spent the past few weeks playing in the end of the garlands in the hallway.  This was the latest "battle" that I witnessed.

Tucker says, "These are my garlands."
Sorchia says, "You think?"

Tucker says, "STOP looking at the garlands, they are mine!"
Sorchia says, "Eeeeek!"

Tucker says, "You can have them."
Sorchia says, "I knew they were mine anyway."
Replay this battle a minimum of 20 times a day.  You can put in your own conversation.  Alternate the winner about 50% of the time.

Welcome to life at the Zoo!

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