Saturday, June 18, 2011

Frolicking in Florida: a story of Miller Mishaps (Part 2)

Monday of Frolicking in Florida was spent at Animal Kingdom (by Heathen choice).  And I am forever ruined for regular zoos.

 I could have pet most of the animals there because they were that close!  There were no glass-fronted cages (except for the fish, obviously).  The animals had lots of room to move and actually looked happy instead of half-miserable.  Many of the animals we saw were in very large enclosures that you entered as part of a tour.  The animals had free-range to interact with each other and to get incredible close to us!

Who has ever seen a flamingo nest?
There were 6 or more baby elephants in the herd.
This was the Asst. Zookeeper's favorite.
He claims the gorilla had obviously
been out with his friends drinking the
night before.
This rhinosceros was so close I
could have leaned over and
touched him.  Without stretching.
Tuesday was our "down day" between big park adventures.  Instead we went to Wonderworks to play Laser Tag and use the indoor ropes course.  They also had a 4D vitual roller coaster that the younger 2 Heathens loved!

After leaving WonderWorks, we headed for Arabian Nights.  We took the boys on the stable tour before dinner.  It was really great.  They loved getting that close to the horses and the performers.  The food was fabulous.  The service was magnificent.  The show was fantastic!

After swimming at the condo late into the night, it was off to bed for the next day's adventures!

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