Friday, September 25, 2009

Calapiders like mashed topadoes!

Ten minutes ago, the back door slammed and I heard a Heathen open the refrigerator door. I called out to see which Heathen it was and #3 answered.

"Momma, where's the mashed topatoes?"
(Translation: mashed potatoes)

Assuming he was hungry, I told him to get an apple for a snack.

He responded, "Calapiders don't eat apples. They like mashed topatoes."
(Translation: Caterpillars like mashed potatoes)

He proceeded to come out of the kitchen holding a plastic sandwich bag. I was presented with a caterpillar in a baggie. And he was convinced that it needed mashed potatoes.

After much discussion, I convinced him that the "cadapider" would much rather have green leaves. Now I just have to figure out how to convince him to take it out of the plastic bag - which he sealed shut very carefully once he had placed the leaves in it.

Maybe a sand bucket.... It could sit on the front porch next to the sand bucket full of dirt and worms.... I may need a bigger front porch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The calapider still hasn't been pet until bald from that last photo. That's one lucky calapider in my experience.