Friday, September 25, 2009

Better Than Flowers

This morning was the usual hectic morning at our zoo. With the Asst. Zookeeper working nights, the morning routine is my job. Wouldn't be so bad except that two of the three Heathens are NOT happy-morning people.

Heathen #3 decided this morning that he was not going to preschool. Starting at 8:40, he sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. He wanted me to call and cancel him going. He wanted to stay home with Daddy. He wanted me to drop him off at Grandma's. Anything but school.

Once we arrived at school, he basically glued himself to my leg and became hysterical. This is not my normal Heathen! Usually, he waves goodbye as he heads for his friends and I have to beg for a kiss.

After promising to pick him up early, I pried his little paws off my leg and darted for the door. I've no clue why he was acting like that, but when I called to check on him 20 minutes later, he was fine!

Needless to say, I arrived at work both frazzled and feeling like a "crummy mummy." Not the way to start off your morning! Ten minutes later, my cell phone rang - it was the Asst. Zookeeper to let me know he was on his way home from work. When he asked about my morning, I groaned and shared the events of the day so far. He chuckled and said he was SO glad he didn't have morning duty with the Heathens. We hung up and I started into my work day.

About half an hour later, my cell phone rang again. The Asst. Zookeeper was on the other end, and simply instructed me to go to the front door at work. (We keep the doors locked.) When I opened the door, I was greeted by a smiling Asst. Zookeeper holding a cup of my favorite Starbucks coffee.

God, love him. He was exhausted from working all night (9:30 pm - 10 am) and he stopped on his way home to get me coffee and bring it to me at work. I'm so glad he's the assistant zookeeper here. I definitely made the right choice.

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