Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bus Stop Styles

The morning bus stop is the bain of my existence. Heathen #1 is old enough to put himself on the bus - bless him. In fact, he likes the fact that I hide in the house and no one sees me. You have to love 6th graders.

Unfortunately, Heathen #2 still needs an adult at the bus stop. Which means I have to be out on the road with him at 8:05. Ugh. It wasn't a problem when I worked. We'd be out there on time. I'd be showered, and dressed for work, complete with makeup. And I would be chipper.

Yeah. Not so much anymore. Heading into my second year of staying home with the Heathens, I've started setting an alarm in the kitchen to remind us to head out for the bus. We missed the bus several times last year and I don't want to do that this year.

I don't mind having to drive the Heathen to school. I just don't want anyone to see me in my bus stop fashions.

Gone are the days of being dressed for business with hair and makeup in place. Usually, I'm throwing a jacket over my sweatshirt and heading out the door in my glasses and my pajama pants. On chilly days, like today, I had on socks with my flip flops. Coffee cup in hand as I shuffle down the front steps.

Two years ago, it was my neighbor lady that was dressed like she just rolled out of bed. Standing there in my business attire, I was always jealous. Now the tides have turned and she's heading off to work as soon as the bus pulls out. And now she's jealous of me in my socks and flip flops. That's a fashion statement that I never thought anyone would envy!

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