Monday, August 10, 2009


25 years ago, I remember standing at a bus stop with the other kids in my neighborhood. There were only two other kids, both boys a year older than me. I was in first grade, making them the much wiser second graders. Brett Statler and Greg something-or-other.

They were always playing tricks or jokes on me. I was easy to torment being younger and of the opposite sex. The morning that sticks in my mind, Brett asked me if I wanted a piece of ABC gum. I replied, "Yes." At which point he and Greg burst out laughing hysterically that I was really gross if I wanted a piece of Already Been Chewed gum.

Fast forward to today at around 1:30 pm. I had taken my Heathens to the Scout Store in Ebensburg to pick up some merit badges for the troop. While I was working with the lady behind the counter to sort out the badges that I needed, Heathen #3 proudly came over to me and announced that he had gum in his mouth.

Assuming that he had gotten in from one of the people in the office or had located it in a drawer on his own, I asked where he had gotten it. He smiled, pointed vaguely in a direction, and said, "Over there."

"Over there" was simply a corner of the store. No one had given it to him, he FOUND it. ABC Gum - and my Heathen #3 was chewing it with great joy. Ugh - boys. Better yet: Ugh - Heathens!

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