Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I discovered the other day that my Middlers staff has COMPLETELY ABANDONED ME for summer 2009. Oh, they all have excuses (one has a new baby, one is getting married, one has a vacation scheduled, etc). But currently, I'm feeling very unloved! Besides, where am I going to find a new group of suckers, I mean counselors, to help with Middlers? :)

I made a second camp discovery that has made me feel old for the first time since my 30th birthday. While brainstorming for new suckers, (I mean COUNSELORS) for this summer, I realized that some of my old campers are now old enough to BE the counselors! AAARRGH! I've located about 5 of them, but I haven't gotten a response about joining me for camp. If they only knew what I was trying to rope them into...

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