Thursday, April 17, 2008

Keeper of Words

If you look around my office, there are words everywhere. I have them all over everything. Sometimes they are "professional" words that are cut out of a magazine and laminated. Others are "everyday" words that are scrawled on a sticky note and slapped up somewhere within site.

I have a box at home in the basement where I keep words that I've cut out of magazines and from posters. They are words that make me think and I've kept them for years. Occasionally, I root through the box and reconsider things I've saved and why I thought it was important or profound in some way.

I've always been a sucker for the "quote of the day." I had teachers in school who gave us a new quote everyday and I always religiously wrote them down and saved them. I still have those notebooks - some of them from middle school.

Gmail puts new quotes onto the screen every time you complete a task or action, and I find myself hitting the refresh button just to see what the new quote is. The one that just showed up is by Franklin D. Roosevelt. "Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds."

Sounds like an elaborate was of saying "mind over matter" to me. But it still makes me think of life in a new way. I guess that's what makes me keep all of the words that I find. I buy books of quotes. I copy things down onto napkins. Someday, my children will be cleaning out my house after I'm gone and I'm sure they will think I was crazy, saving boxes of nothing but words.

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