Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Costume Changes

There are weeks where I'm positive that I'm stuck in the movie Ground Hog's Day with Bill Murray.  However, my movie title would be Halloween with the Heathens.  Everyday requires multiple costume changes - forget the "wearing of different hats."

I originally ran into the concept of costume changes years ago when Heathen #2 was part of the local ballet company.  During dress rehearsals, while I was chaperoning a group of third graders dressed as mice, I overheard some of the mothers of the older dancers discussing how one of the girls had a "30 second change" and a "45 second costume change" at different points during the production.  And I remember thinking it was crazy - that some of the girls were playing so many roles that they had 6 or 7 costume changes with just seconds to get back out onto the stage.

Fast forward to this past weekend - and I was the one with multiple costume changes with only minutes to spare to get back on "stage!"

It was a typical Saturday at the Zoo (frighteningly typical):  Heathen #1 was out of town for the weekend, attending his LAST Youth Rally at Living Waters.  With him leaving Friday at dinner time and not returning until after lunch on Sunday - he left me short on a driver for the weekend (rather inconsiderate, if you ask me!).  Heathen #2 had indoor guard practice from 8am-noon, and then was leaving from there to travel with the group to Tyrone for a competition.  Heathen #3 had a swim meet at IUP and had to be in the water by 7 am.  The Asst. Zookeeper was my dedicated driver for Heathen #3 - which left me with Heathen #2.

Unfortunately, I had an AYSO inter-regional scheduling meeting at 9am that same morning!  This meeting typically lasts several hours.

So I started my morning with this outfit and attending a 3 hour scheduling meeting:

Then I quickly changed costumes and drove an hour from the meeting to the swim meet.  I managed to see two of Heathen #3's events!  Of course, the event I missed was the event that he finally met his goal of qualifying for districts in the 100 backstroke.  Bless the Asst. Zookeeper's heart and the coaches' hearts for taking pictures for me!

As soon as the meet ended, the Asst. Zookeeper and I packed up the littlest Heathen.  I changed costumes yet again!  This time, it was an hour and 20 minute drive to Tyrone to see Heathen #2's performance with the indoor guard.  We made it with just MINUTES to spare before his group took the floor!  Bonus - got to see my Skinny Minnie's group perform as well!

And, finally, an hour and a half drive home.  I made my final costume change and crawled into bed - EXHAUSTED.  Zeus was quite unhappy as it was well past his 8pm bedtime.  As soon as I crawled in bed, so did he.

 It was a CRAZY day - but a great day for the Zoo.  The next morning, we were up and out of the house before 9am.  The Asst Zookeeper says we have a weekend off in April - of 2030 - if we are lucky.

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