Sunday, May 31, 2015

Good Exhaustion

It was one of those days - the Zoo set alarms for 4:15 am and hit the ground driving/horseback riding/flying.  Pick your mode of motion - we were at it!

At 4:30 am, my own alarm went off - solely so that I could make sure Heathens #1 and #2 were up and headed for the barn. It was Silver Shoe Competition day 2 and they needed to be at the barn at 5:30. 

Once I knew they were up and moving, I will admit to being a bad Zookeeper and going back to bed until the "get ready for
church" alarm went off at 7:30. Roused the youngest Heathen and got him moving. The Asst. Zookeeper and I game planned through the church-prep process so that we knew how the day was going to go. 

At some point before I left for church at 9:15, the oldest Heathen returned from his barn run and flopped down on the couch - to relax. For a bit before heading to work at the river at 11am. No rest for the wicked!

Two of us attended Sunday School and church, and then raced home to change. And headed right back out the door for the Ebensburg Fairgrounds for the horse competition. 

Horse competitions are the equivalent t of swim invitationals. You spend hours to see you Heathen "do something" for less than 45 seconds. We arrived by 1:30 and left at 8pm - Heathen #2 was in the arena less than five minutes total. 

The Asst. Zookeeper used the early evening to take another flying lessons - he's quickly closing in on his solo flight. As the youngest Heathen and I were headed up Rt 219, we saw an airplane making a low sweep over the airport (checking for deer on the runway).  We knew it was the Asst. Zookeeper!  We managed to get to the airport in time to see him land. Heathen #3 had the camera.

Sunset over Ebensburg Airport.

And the sun is completely down now and the Heathens are started into the showers.  And I'm exhausted and so are they. But it was a great day. 

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