Thursday, September 8, 2011

Politicians and Potty Doors

The first contact of the year has just arrived from the schools.

Not the first mailing - that arrived more than a month ago.  Not the first "important paper" that the Heathens bring home - those started arriving last week.  Not even the first "caught being good" phone call - we actually received TWO of those the first week of school.

No.  This was a different contact.  This contact involved the words, "please speak to your son concerning..."  It arrived in the form of an email.  The teacher must have started typing as soon as she put the littlest Heathen onto the bus.

I definitely am going to give the teacher credit.  She was nice enough to saw something nice about my child before getting to the true point of the email.  "Landon is certainly a politician around the school.  He knows everyone's name and says hello all the time.  It's very adorable."
Heathen #3 - the local politician.
Apparently, my child made some choices today that were not the best of choices.  During his bathroon break, he went into the bathroom stall, closed and locked the door, and then crawled out the bottom - leaving all the stall doors locked.
This election's issue.
Now I have to explain to him that he will NEVER get elected if he angers the local voters by locking them out of the bathroom!  Heathen #3 has some serious campaign issues to remember!  Hopefully, he doesn't choose to enter the debate...

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