Monday, August 29, 2011

Wanted: Spouse

At my sister's wedding shower a few weekends ago, we played a great game.  I saved the responses to share with the world.

Directions: In "Want Ad" fashion, write your description of the ideal spouse.

Some of the responses:

"Single male ages 30-59, with job and benefits. Must own home and car.  Motorcycles a plus.  Sugar-mommy seekers need not apply. Must know how to do home repairs, especially plumbing (the female kind)."

"Wanted: an intelligent, young male that likes to cook, clean, and treat me like the princess I am. Helpful if you are outgoing and love children.  Romantic a plus."

"Wanted: a single, unmarried man.  Pleasant with common sense and a nice smile.  Able and willing to cook and clean. Likes to enjoy life.  Money helps."

"Wanted: clever, shy, and fiercely independent man.  Opinionated, strong willed, and eager to start a family.  Loving, caring and willing to get up and make coffee in the morning."

"Wanted: man that cleans up after himself and gets his own coffee."

"Wanted: man to do home maintenance, dishes, laundry, and cooking.  Must be willing to clean cat litter box.  Daily habits must include showering and brushing teeth.  Ideal man will be willing to wear what you tell him, and takes a 'honey-do' list seriously.  Must be able to notice and comment on my hair and clothes."

If any men read this and see themselves, please let me know!  I have some women who would LOVE to meet you!

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