Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Say "Cheese!"

This past week, Heathen #3 came home from kindergarten with an interesting assignment.  He received a paper turkey, and he was to make a disguise for it.  It was a parent/child project (a.k.a. - you're allowed to help).  The assignment even gave a few hints for possible disguises.  I assumed the littlest Heathen would pick one of the suggestions.  I was SO wrong.

He wanted to put his turkey in a bikini because it was going to a "bikinishoot" - which translates into "bikini shoot," like a model.  It took a little bit to figure out what the correct translation was because he was getting VERY impatient with the Momma.

I'm figuring he won't have thought this through very clearly, and it shouldn't take much time.  I'll give the Heathen some crayons, he'll draw a swimming suit, and we're good!  NOPE!

After much work translating, I discovered that this turkey wasn't just to wear a regular bikini, it was to be a STRING bikini (Heathen translation: a bikini with those "things" and lots of hand motions).  And he wanted it to be sparkly.

Bless Grandma and her glitter glue!  She saved me (again).  After more than an hour of coloring, cutting, pasting, gluing, leaning in the glitter with our elbows, and REDOING everything on the above list, here is what the Heathen created for his disguise:

Don't miss the nail polish and the lipstick.  And the sandals have "those things on them" that he wanted as well!  I think I should have gone into fashion!

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