Sunday, September 13, 2009

Coffee With An Old Friend

Friday morning of last week, I saw an old friend for the first time in more than 8 years. It's hard to imagine that I use to see her every day and it has been that long since we spent time together.

Kristin was in town from Colorado for a few days. I haven't seen her since she stood with me at my wedding. Not long afterward, she moved to Denver. We've been in touch a few times over the years, maybe one or twice. The Asst. Zookeeper spoke to her father the other day and heard she was coming into town.

God bless Facebook! I messaged her and we found time for coffee together. Our cup of coffee lasted for two hours or more and could have lasted longer. It's strange. I was worried before I met up with her that our conversation would be stilted and difficult because of the years apart. It couldn't have been more opposite. As we talked, I could imagine us sitting in lunch at the high school having the same conversation. She's still Kristin. She's older and more grown up, but she's still the same person at heart.

It was the best two hours I've had in a while. I hadn't realized I missed her and our conversations that much until after I was leaving the coffee shop. She invited the Heathens and I to Colorado next summer. I'll get us there somehow. I can't wait to see her again.

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