Saturday, August 22, 2009

Frozen Margaritas and Stitches

Some things can only happen at my zoo and to me. It must be a space-time continuum kind of thing. And once again, space and time lined up perfectly at my zoo this evening.

I spent all day getting the house ready to have a party this evening. Mowed the yard, cleaned, etc. Everything ready. I even made the food last night so that I didn't have to worry about it for today. Heathen #3 helped with the food prep.

Ten minutes into my party starting, Heathen #2 starts screaming in the yard and I could hear him heading for the front door. With him, he could be missing a limb or the wind could simply be blowing the wrong way. Definitely my drama queen. I didn't get very excited since I could hear him getting closer. Movement means it isn't a broken leg.

When he greeted me at the front door, it was with blood running down his leg and PUDDLING on my porch floor. He had fallen off the swing set and onto his bicycle. Puncture wound.

I wrapped him up in a tea towel and sat him on the swing. Upon inspection, it needed to be stitched. Not a problem, except for that I'm hosting a party and my house is full of people!

My mother-in-law agrees to stay at the house and play hostess for me while I take him down to get stitches. As I'm gathering up shoes to head for the ER, it dawns on me that I've had a few drinks out of my frozen margarita. Hurray! I get to take my child to the ER for stitches while I have alcohol on my breath! Could this get any better?

I informed Heathen #3 that he would be staying at the house and I asked him if he could be in charge of the party for me. He had been wanting to feed everyone strawberry shortcake all day since he had helped me get it ready. He was all over that!

I got Heathen #2 stitched and out of the ER without any comments on my alcohol breath and we headed for home. Heathen #3 was passed out on the couch and everyone had already left (of course!).

My mother-in-law and I were chatting before she left for home and she commented about she had never had strawberry shortcake with beer bread before. Heathen #3 had insisted that they were to put the strawberries on the beer bread - he never showed them the pound cake in the fridge!!!! And he told them he wasn't allowed to have any of it because it had beer in it.

I'm not sure if the best part or the worst part is that all the women ate strawberries and whip cream on beer bread at the direction of a 4-year-old.

Seriously. Only at my zoo!

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