Thursday, February 19, 2009

BIG DAY Memories

I had a great birthday! I did what I've seen others do, but have never done myself. I took the day off from work and spent the day doing nothing important.

I woke up to find flowers on the dining room table. Nothing yucky like roses - they were beautiful wildflowers. Definitely nicer!

The Asst. Zookeeper didn't have to go to the mine until later in the afternoon, so we decided it would be a good day to go see a house out in Davidsville that we've been eyeing up for the past month. It's a great house - from the outside.

It is a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 2 garage home on 2 acres in Davidsville. It also has a detached, 3 car garage on the side of the property that has a second story to it that the Asst. Zookeeper could have used as a wood shop. The house was well maintained from the road. What a disappointment when we went inside.

It was like walking into a Fun House! It had a horrible layout. The bathroom was tiny. There was no dining room. One of the bedrooms was the size of a closet. A second bedroom was in the attic and I could hardly stand up straight. It was awful! Needless to say, we are going to keep looking!

After the house visit, the Asst. Zookeeper headed into the mine, and I went to get my nails done and get a pedicure. It was lovely! The shop was empty and it was quiet. Vegetating was wonderful - there was no rush to leave and run anywhere. After that, I spent the rest of the afternoon with a book. I curled up with the dog and the cats at home, and we read through the rest of the afternoon.

Then the Heathens started to arrive home: Heathen #1 called my cell phone and sang me Happy Birthday. Then Heathen #2 came home and started singing to me. And then I picked Heathen #3 up at daycare and he wanted to take me to Chuck E. Cheese's for dinner!

I spent the evening at swimming lessons with Heathens #2 and #3, while the Asst. Zookeeper took Heathen #1 to cub scouts. Afterward, we had pizza and ice cream for dinner! Actually, the Heathens had pizza and ice cream. I just had ice cream!

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