Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mud Baths

This past weekend, the Asst. Zookeeper got a start on a home-project that he has been wanting to do since we bought the house five years ago. Our yard is a hill. The children are able to play there and there is room for the playground and the sandbox, but a lot of it is still not usable because of the slope.

Well, the Asst. Zookeeper's father bought a back-hoe. And the Asst. Zookeeper borrowed it to regrade our yard. And the yard turned into a mud pit after it rained the next day. And the Heathens loved the whole process.

Anytime the back-hoe was turned on, all three of my Heathens were on board. The Asst. Zookeeper is always so good about letting the Heathens "help" when he does stuff around the house. I wish I had that kind of patience.

Here's a video clip of the Heathens on the back-hoe:
After the yard turned to mud, the Heathens had a great hour slopping in it. Check out the dirt on them! I had to clean them off before I could take them in the house for baths. And did I mention that our hose doesn't work outside? We had to use a bucket that I filled up in the kitchen. They had a blast! I just hope that no one visits my house until I get all the dirt cleaned up that they tracked inside!

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