Monday, April 28, 2008

Call to Volunteer... Again

It's happened again - this time, twice in one day. The phrase "Volunteers needed" has crossed my desk twice.

It's not that I mind volunteering. I don't. I enjoy helping. The trouble is, that I volunteer ALL THE TIME. And if anyone uses the phrase "need a volunteer or else..." I'm guaranteed to raise my hand. Here's just some of what I do...

Cub Scouts: outings chair, popcorn kernel, and camp coordinator
Church: Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Christmas pageant, children's Advent workshop
Ballet: backstage mom, grade 1 costume mistress
PTO: Giant Eagle coordinator, plus helping with various other committees

Today, AYSO soccer and WAY football reared their heads using the dreaded "V" word. Soccer used the sentence "This is our last attempt to fill these positions." Football worded it as "volunteering is required." Does it still qualify as volunteering if it is required?

Well, I already know that I'll be volunteering for both of these functions as well. I've already looked into the requirements for the different positions, and I've sent the emails for further clarification. I wonder what it's like to be the parent that drops their kid off and drives away, returning just in time to pick him up... I'll probably never experience it. At least, I hope not.

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