Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just Overwhelming

It's definitely been one of those days. Where everything is just overwhelming. I seem to be one step behind and exhausted since I woke up this morning.

Last night, I went to bed when the Assistant Zookeeper left for work at 9pm. I didn't even put on pajamas or take out my contacts. I curled up under the blankets and that was it. And I didn't get out of bed until 7:30 this morning. That should be plenty of sleep.

Yet all I can think of today is the lists of this I still have to accomplish, either at home or at work. And the lists just keep growing.

At work:
film festival grant package
WRH education strands - times 3
And I'm going to stop there because those two items alone are over a month of work.

At home:
changing the sheets on the beds
clean the bathroom

And other stuff:
candy to drop off at Carol's house
17 gingerbread costumes to make
scout camp registration forms to organize
errands to run

I think I need an extra day in the week. If I could only figure out how to clone myself, I'd be in good shape. By the time I get home at 5:30 or 6, I'm pretty well toasted for the evening.

Guess I'll just keep my head down and keep moving. :) It's always worked out in the past!

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